I love when I nail the perfect photo. The ones with the right amount of light, the pose lined up perfectly, the composition etc.. But at the end of the day, sometimes the images that make me feel MOST like a professional and a creative artist, are the images I get when no one is looking aka – The Candid shots. The behind the scenes stuff! The ones that can tell the story of the day with no direction or know instructions from me. They just “are” and in the moment, exactly where the belong. Photographing these moments takes some skill and it requires me to think quickly on my feet. It’s the candid moments that keep teaching me how to be a better photographer and I love that I still get to grow and discover new ways to express my creativity even when no one is looking. Below are some of my favorite candid images from 2021. Enjoy scrolling through and hope they bring a smile to your face. I can not wait for more moments in 2022!

Thank you for reading!

Such a fun idea!!! And these candids are so emotion-filled and potent. Love them!
I love all the emotions in these! What great moments you captured!
So much love, laughter, and joy in all those images! You have captured it all so good!